ElastiCache の「CurrConnections」(現在の接続)の値が 0 にならない原因を教えてください

ElastiCache の「CurrConnections」(現在の接続)の値が 0 にならない原因を教えてください

Clock Icon2024.12.19

この記事は アノテーション株式会社 AWS Technical Support Advent Calendar 2024 | Advent Calendar 2024 - Qiita 19日目の記事です。


ElastiCache への接続を行っているアプリケーションを全て停止しているにも関わらず、ElastiCache の CloudWatch メトリクス「CurrConnections」(現在の接続)の値が常に 4 程度残っており、0 になりません。

何故 ElastiCache への接続がないのに「CurrConnections」の値が 0 にならないのでしょうか?


ElastiCache の CloudWatch メトリクス「CurrConnections」には、ElastiCache がクラスターをモニタリングするための接続が含まれています。[1]
また、ElastiCache for Memcached の場合には、更に内部処理用の内部接続も含まれます。

そのため、「CurrConnections」の値が 0 にならないことは仕様通りです。

ElastiCache for Valkey & ElastiCache for Redis OSS

Metric Description
CurrConnections The number of client connections, excluding connections from read replicas. ElastiCache uses 4 to 6 of the connections to monitor the cluster in each case. This is derived from the connected_clients statistic at INFO.

ElastiCache for Memcached

Metric Description Unit
CurrConnections A count of the number of connections connected to the cache at an instant in time. ElastiCache uses 2 to 3 of the connections to monitor the cluster.

In addition to the above, memcached creates a number of internal connections equal to twice the threads used for the node type. The thread count for the various node types can be see in the Nodetype Specific Parameters of the applicable Parameter Group.

The total connections is the sum of client connections, the connections for monitoring and the internal connections mentioned above.


ElastiCache for Redis OSS のバージョン 5 以下を使用している、または ElastiCache for Memcached を使用している場合、CloudWatch メトリクス「NewConnections」(新しい接続)にも ElastiCache 用の接続が含まれ、値は 0 にならない仕様です。[2]

ElastiCache for Valkey & ElastiCache for Redis OSS

Metric Description
NewConnections NewConnections The total number of connections that have been accepted by the server during this period. This is derived from the total_connections_received statistic at INFO.

If you are using ElastiCache (Redis OSS) version 5 or lower, between two and four of the connections reported by this metric are used by ElastiCache to monitor the cluster. However, when using ElastiCache (Redis OSS) version 6 or above, the connections used by ElastiCache to monitor the cluster are not included in this metric.

ElastiCache for Memcached

Metric Description Unit
NewConnections The number of new connections the cache has received. This is derived from the memcached total_connections statistic by recording the change in total_connections across a period of time. This will always be at least 1, due to a connection reserved for a ElastiCache. Count



  1. Metrics for Valkey and Redis OSS - Amazon ElastiCache ↩︎

  2. Metrics for Memcached - Amazon ElastiCache ↩︎

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